Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Piercings & tats

thiss tatooo is evrythinnggg..mysweet 17 thinnkin bout gettin a butterfly on the bck of my neck - dnt kno bout piercings...i think 19 ill get my nipples pierced..lmao idk random but idk i want it!

i want thiss too! oweee hot damm looks like it hurts...ive heard of worst pain...

Tongue Piercing Procedure
no coochie or tougue piercings for me,lmaooo madd dirty nd sounds like it hurts too much...

Image of successful navel piercing with jewelled gold ring.

Omg this is madd sexy but i dnt want it jus the belly part again it looks like it hurts...

This piercing is kick asss!

devil tattoo

omg devil tattoo frm the movie the omen-remember that movie? supr scary tat. 6/6/06-the omen.
metal face
thinkin hw it would look if i gotta lip ring foreal rememver im trying out for top model next yr cant have too much shxt on me- dnt wanna be a metal face..lmao

this piercing is kick ass love it..idk yet to much hurting issues..lmao

dimple barbelles-ewww ugly! too much for me!!

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